Wednesday 15 March 2023

You are Enough

 Most of us, nowadays, have started viewing ourselves from others'  perspectives. and as a result, a thought creeps into our minds that We Are Not Enough. This feeling creates a labyrinth, a non-ending spiral of presumptions that somewhere we are falling short of our own aims and goals. This leads to dissatisfaction. Always thinking that somewhere something is lagging behind. Whatever we do, whatever we achieve doesn't give us happiness. There is always a gap to be filled. Well, to have the impression of soaring new heights is good but if that feeling gives you the stress of not have done enough then it is a matter to worry. If you find there is a gap between what you achieved and what you wanted then it is okay because there should always be room for improvement. This gives an impetus to your efforts. You can without falling strive for more. 

But it can take an ugly turn if it becomes an obsession that you have not done enough. And in the process self-blaming starts which further leads to self-depreciation. No one else but we pull ourselves down. It is good to be your own critic but we should also know where to draw the line. When to appreciate and pat our own back and when to hold your own self responsible for the nonachievement of goals. 

It is not always good to point out our own shortcomings. As the accomplishments may be far bigger than the failures. Otherwise, frustration is the only thing that remains with you to drown you with the feeling that you have not done enough or you are not enough. 

Moreover, if you demoralise yourself, others will never hesitate to step over you. In this way, you are providing them with the opportunity to degrade you, disrespect you, and trample you in every way. 

So stop saying that you are not enough. stop insulting your own self. You are your own best friend. No one but you can put yourself in high esteem. It is you who spends all the time with your self. So never demean yourself. Always be in high spirits and tell yourself that You Are Enough......

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