Monday 11 March 2024

Let's be in present

                                                              We see that these days everyone preaches to live in the present. What is this? What do you actually mean by living in the present? Aren't we living in the present? How can we know if we are living in the present or not? Actually, living in the present means that we think and plan about our present only. See, what happens is, that most of us are lost in our past thoughts past happenings or are busy making plans for the future. When we are thinking about things happened to us in the past we linger around those happenings for longer periods. As a result, there is an impact on our thoughts and actions. In such a situation, during conversing with others, we talk about our past lives, past friendships, past successes, or even failures. We forget to acknowledge the significance of the present moment which is today.

                                                    Take for example, if our meeting didn't go well and we spend most of our night tossing and turning in planning how corrections can be made in the next meeting or so. Well, in a way, it is good for our future projects but in the process, our mind is jumping from past to future and completely forgetting about the present when we lose our peace of mind. These stressful moments will hijack our efforts to get rested. Such lingering harms our performances and sometimes our relationships too. 

                                             In reality, we all do it. All of us think about our gone days and plan about upcoming times and in the meantime, feel free to be in the present, breathe, and have some peace. It is natural for us to stay in the past reminiscing over the previous events for long long period and also getting worried about the things to come. IT SHOULD BE A VISIT AND NOT A LONG STAY.  And more so, staying in the present doesn't at all mean doing your work and getting through the day. It means you and your mind are focused on what is happening now. It is noteworthy to anchor your thoughts and actions on what matters now. This will energize you, and motivate you to achieve your goals.

                                          By not emphasising on the present can result in distraction from what is important. This can lead to mental tension and take a toll on personal as well as professional lives.  To avoid such occurrences we must learn to lay stress on existing situations and not get stuck in what happened in the past and over-prioritise future events. Living in the present can reduce stress and help us learn from our past mistakes and build a bright future. When you are in the present you are not concerned about the failures of the past nor you are afraid of the future anymore. 

                                             The main reason behind our trips to the past and future is that we have so many questions to which we are searching for answers. In such a case, we will have to make peace with the thought that not every question has an answer, and not every lock has a key. Furthermore, in life, many things are out of our control.   So, it is useless to blame yourself on such matters. this will lead to fewer regrets and more memories to cherish. 

                                                       Stay in the present. Enjoy what is happening now. Love what is there today. Take each moment as it comes. and see how this changes your life forever.                                          


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