Tuesday 12 April 2022

Nothing Is Either Good Or Bad, But Thinking Makes it so

This is a Shakespearean quote in the play Hamlet, when Hamlet tells his friends, who have come to spy on him, that Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so. Well it holds true, you know.as  people differ their thinking also differ, just as one action or idea can work for someone but foe  others it can prove to be futile.  it is because there can be things which are right from one person’s point of view and the same can hold wrong from someone else’s perspective. For example staying up late can be wrong for some but some can be on duty at late hours. So how can it be said that staying up late is right it is or wrong.

Right from the beginning we are in a habit of labelling things as good or bad, as right or wrong. Just like that. We have been taught from our young age that certain tasks or notions are good and some  aren’t. This is because of our age-old philosophy of the majority rule which says what is good for the majority of people is good and what isn’t, is considered bad for all. This is why there are many concepts which are considered to be good and bad. this impression can change with the passage of time as thinking of people may change. Just as in earlier days it was not considered good to send girls to school. Can we say that now? No. Why? Because the perceptions have changed. Now it is said that teach a girl and get the whole family educated. So what is good and what is bad  is only a perception and a point of view only.

Let’s take the example of gambling. One may enjoy it and like to spend most of his earnings on it. It may give pleasure to him and to him his gambling is good. But what about his family. They might be suffering. So, the same thing i.e. gambling is bad for that person’s family. Again that question stands, whether gambling is good or bad. We can say so far that unless a person’s habit does not harm his family it may be tolerated but as soon as it starts affecting his family in adverse manner it becomes bad.

There are so many things like these which need our second thoughts before categorizing them into good or bad. they are highly dependent on situation, environment and even person to person. it depends on the individuals how you perceive certain matters and how you react.