Monday, 24 February 2020

Why Be Happy??????

A few days back I read a story about a musician John Lennon. When he was a kid, he was given an assignment by the teacher 'What You Want To Be When You Grow Up'. He wrote,"I want to be HAPPY". His teacher remarked that he didn't understand the assignment. Actually the teacher didn't understand life. When I read it I had goosebumps that how a little kid got it whereas most of us don't get it at all.

Without a doubt this is "it". It is the only thing that we strive for throughout our lives, that is HAPPINESS. We struggle a lot. do all sorts of things to be happy. Buy new clothes. Travel. Make new friends. Shift jobs. Sleep. Work. Even eat to be happy. May be which is why certain foods are called ' Pleasure Foods'.

Now the question is 'Why Do We Want To Be Happy'. It is because being happy makes us feel good. We get satisfaction when we get the desired results. Being elated may also mean that we are leading an easy life despite all the difficulties. All of us want amazing relationships with our partners, spouses, kids, colleagues, boss ... basically everyone in our lives. If we have affinity with most of them, we feel content. and this contentment leads to happiness. It concludes that whatever effort we put in keeping everything smooth..It paid well. All the pain was worth it. This 'worthy' feeling keeps us going.

It is our basic nature that we want fruits of actions and if the fruit is sweet it dispenses pleasure. We want only positive results. It is because desired results or positive outcome is easy to handle . Also it furnishes joy and adds to our happiness.

There are many things that we face in our lives. Some are catch , easy to tackle, we are elated. the unasked things give us displeasure, makes us unhappy. Such things are difficult to perform. They make our lives miserable. So why not be happy. Be merry.Get blissful.  Be elated. Become joyous.

Let's never be shy to be happy as it is the only life given to us. Live to the fullest.....