Thursday, 1 August 2019

Make Choices

Many a times it happens in our lives that we get stuck with a person or experience which happened sometime back. They have a long term impact on our lives. Our present gets influenced by decisions taken in the past. We learn lessons and change our behaviour accordingly. Sometimes this strategy proves to be good. Problem arises when we drag our past into our future. It is good to remain cautious but it may prevent us from taking a leap of faith.

Any disappointment of past must not find its way into the future. Instead of being afraid and be negatively influenced by bad experiences, we should learn to remove the pot holes. We should be able to see clearly after the storm is over and build new and stronger shelters. So, instead of being afraid to go out in a thunder storm we should be able to face them with courage and brevity.

After the disaster in past we must plan well and work harder. Then there would be no chance of failure. Our failures should be stepping stones and not the hindrances towards success. The bad experiences don’t matter. What actually matters is how long we stick to them, how long we rely on them in order to take decisions. Our excessive cautiousness will have an impact on every move which is not good for our decision making power. We should have a constructive attitude towards life and everything related with it. We can make a choice about what we want to become and what to do next. They say ' what we think, we become'. 

We have no control on the circumstances whatsoever. But what is in hands is our response to such situations, whether we panic or think of a way out of problem. It is our choice. For this we need to listen to our instinct and trust it too. It may seem absurd at times but we need to trust. 

So let’s leave our fears and apprehensions behind and move ahead.