When you are down and under the best thing you can do is to get up and rise again. As that is the lowest point that you can reach . From there you can't get lower than that. So only one option remains i.e. to go up. That is the point where you need to strive to go higher. Collect all the energy that is left and start afresh.
It is difficult but ofcourse. You can't remain in the same spot and decay. And we also believe that everything comes with price. Nothing is free. And to gain something you have to work harder. So we should never be afraid of downfalls. Always be prepared to give one more push and that too harder than earlier. Yes, it will be not a smooth ride, but it will not be the goal that is not attainable. To try so etching new might be difficult but not impossible.
Plus, how can we be certain of our failure without even trying it? Believe in your own self. Have faith in what you are doing. Falling is not failing. Failing is when you stop trying to be able to succeed again. If you don't do...that would be failure. And that would be the worst thing you can do to yourself. Failing is getting defeated and never getting up. Life is like a wheel. What goes up comes down and what comes down is bound to go up one day. So why not give it a shove and set the wheel of our fortune in our way.
The problem actually lies in the effort and intention. Many times deep down we don't want to get up. We may have self pity which leads to feeling of remaining down under. That's when we are defeated because we cease to fight , we simply give up.
Real courage lies in rising every time you fall. Every time. We can find such people around us who simply refuse to get defeated by circumstances. Each time life throws them harshly , they come out stronger and wiser. It is not easy for them to forget the blows and losses of past but they refuse to remain down under. They gather courage and start their life once again. Now that is success for them.
Given any situation , there is no escape from struggle. For some it can be easy going whereas for others it can be an uphill task. There you can not compare your struggle with anybody else's. As you don't know how far he has walked barefoot. You don't know what that person has undergone. It might have been easy or might have been difficult. But one thing is for sure that success comes to those who work hard, persevere and refuse to go down under.
We meet so many people in our lives who have faced and braved through the storms of their lives. Every one has their own way to tackle. Some bow down whereas there are others who face such adverse situations head-on . Getting jolted is alright but not holding to grounds is not allowed.
Rise and shine as it is only way of life.